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Latest releases and enhancements
Moritz Lehmann avatar
Written by Moritz Lehmann
Updated over a week ago

We’re constantly delivering small and large improvements to Starboard. We update this page as changes are made, so check back again for the latest updates.

Recently Delivered

Search on previous vessel details–8 October

If you search for a vessel and it has changed its vessel details (name, IMO, call sign, or MMSI) the updated vessel record will still be matched and shown in the search results. More about vessel identifiers and using search to find a vessel →

September 2024

New terrestrial network for New Zealand

Starboard now ingests the nationwide terrestrial AIS network (Kordia) for New Zealand. More about AIS data sources →

Vessel information changes available in history

When a vessel's IMO ship identification information changes this is now shown in the vessel history. More about S&P Global Market Intelligence vessel information →



  • All the areas available in an organisation were being shown as an area layer. For some users this was causing the map to appear very dark. This is no longer the default but those that joined between July and September 2024 may want to turn off these areas under the area layer.

August 2024

See when new users and groups are added

A new item in the activity feed shows when groups or users are added or removed from your organisation. More about user permissions for groups and organisations →

Hide satellite data

A new layer means you can choose to turn off viewing satellite imagery on the map and the analysis panel. By default satellite imagery on the map will be turned off. More about setting up your Starboard preferences →

Set alerts based on vessel speed in an area

You can now set alerts based on a vessel's speed and these can be customised for vessels travelling faster, slower, or between a set speed. This can be useful for monitoring areas where speed restrictions exist or where moving slowly in an area may indicate a potential risk to critical infrastructure.

Drag and drop .kml files

You can now drag and drop .kml files onto the map to visualise areas or other information such as vessel positions for analysis. More about adding a temporary area for analysis using a .geojson or .kml →

Set alerts for your own areas

You can now set an alert for an area you have created. More about adding your own areas for analysis →


  • An issue, where in some cases the most recent positions for a vessel were not being shown on the map, has been fixed.


  • A list of users, including login count and last login, can now be downloaded by users with enterprise access.

  • Speed improvements for loading satellite detections.

  • You can now view the number of logins users in your organisation have had in the last 90 days and information about each login.

July 2024

True heading and course over round

Course over ground (direction of travel) and true heading (bow direction) are now displayed instead of orientation. This provides more detailed information on a vessel's manoeuvres.

Ice concentration layer

A new ice concentration layer help provide additional context for vessel movements in areas with seasonal sea ice. How it works: Oceanographic layers →

Chlorophyll a oceanographic layer

A new chlorophyll a layer indicates potential productivity of an area by providing a proxy for algal biomass (i.e. the basis of the food chain). Chlorophyll a is often used by fishers to find fishing grounds and by fisheries managers to track fishing grounds. How it works: Oceanographic layers →


  • Satellite detection events are now included in downloads for track history events and vessel tracks.

  • Companies and tags are now included in the vessel list.

  • Vessel positions that are overland, and therefore more than likely spurious, are now discarded.

  • Login count, last 90 days is now included for users and visible for enterprise customers.

  • New data source for sea surface temperature layer. How it works: Oceanographic layers →

  • Improvements to how areas are displayed under the area filter and area layer (there is now a maximum of 30 areas that can be shown). More improvements coming soon.

  • Vessel search now shows the vessel that has had the most recent AIS reports, when other matching criteria are the same, at the top of the list.

  • Improvements to how the tracks of buoys are displayed.


  • Some users have not been able to reset their passwords. This has now been fixed.

June 2024

AIS voyage information

Destination information includes an estimated time of arrival (ETA) and can be useful for prioritising inspections for arriving vessels and understanding which vessels may be transiting through your EEZ. How it works: Arrival estimation and destination changes →

Draught changes may indicate a change in cargo, ballast water, or fuel and tend to occur near port, when vessels meet, or when voyage destination and ETA are being updated. What is self reported AIS draught data? →

Destination, ETA, and draught are AIS voyage data which is manually entered by the vessel's crew. Destination and draught changes are now included in a vessel's track history.

Satellite imagery acquisition footprints

Ongoing improvements to how satellite imagery is displayed makes managing large volumes of data easier. This is helpful for persistent monitoring (e.g. Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar) or during busy operations.

Acquisition footprints, for the time and area you have selected, are easy to locate with either the mini-maps in the satellite panel or on the map as clickable areas.

Noteworthy and risk analysis summary

Analysis results now includes a summary of noteworthy activity and risk, for vessels in your selected area of interest, making risk analysis faster and easier.


  • Improvements to user roles and reporting for enterprise customers.

  • Risk indicators are no longer a beta release.

May 2024

Filtering based on speed for your own areas

You can now filter based on speed for areas you have created. More about adding your own areas for analysis →

Search for companies

You can now search for companies of interest, selecting a company will bring up the company panel and information on the vessels in their fleet. More about company data in Starboard →

Creating your own areas

You can now create, edit, and label your own areas for filtering and analysis. More about Adding your own areas for analysis →

Alerting based on vessel dimensions

You can now set area alerts based on vessel dimensions (AIS reported length and width). This can be useful for confirming compliance with area based restrictions.

Journey risk indicator for time at sea

A new risk indicator, assigned to vessels that have spent a long time at sea, is available. A vessel that has not been to port for a long time may indicate abnormal behaviour or consistent non-reporting of AIS when visiting ports.


  • The vessel history filters, in the vessel panel and vessel report, now includes satellite detections.

  • Improvements for AIS data quality including filtering out terrestrial AIS positions that are outside of the receiver range.

  • Improvements and security enhancements for password resetting.


  • When a .csv was dragged and dropped onto the map it sometimes did not load. This has been fixed.

April 2024

Improving how legacy split vessels are analysed

AIS data is messy and sometimes a message might be received with a corrupted or erroneous position. In the past (before September 2022) Starboard’s algorithm for dealing with vessels that were sharing a MMSI may have incorrectly split a vessel into multiple instances because of these corrupted messages. Improvements have been made to help with analysis for these legacy “split vessels”.


  • Risk indicators are now shown in the vessel list and in the vessel list downloads.


  • Some users network setting may have prevented them from seeing certain information in Starboard, for example oceanographic layers, this has now been fixed.

March 2024

Filtering for vessel dimensions

A new advanced filter for vessel dimensions (AIS reported length and width) is available. This can be useful for confirming compliance with area based restrictions.

Sharing information with groups

All users can now create and invite others to a group in Starboard. This is a new way to share information within Starboard and is particularly useful if you want to collaborate with:


February 2024

Identity risk indicator for different AIS and IMO details

A new risk indicator, assigned to vessels when its AIS and IMO details do not match, is available. Vessel identification details in AIS are updated manually and could differ to the IMO details to intentionally mislead but may also be due to input error.

Like with other risk indicators this can be used as a filter for your analysis, viewed in the vessel or company analysis panel, and viewed in the vessel or company report. More about this new risk indicators and how risk indicators work →

Improvements to how satellite imagery is displayed

To make analysis of satellite imagery simpler, especially when there are large volumes or routine ingestion, a new satellite data panel includes a minimap indicating an acquisition's location. This panel responds to your set area and time filters to only display satellite imagery that is relevant for your current analysis.

January 2024

AIS data points in track history

A new track history option shows detailed analysis of AIS points. This can be useful when completing detailed behavioural analysis for a vessel, particularly if the vessel has undertaken intricate manoeuvres.

Vessel details source information

Starboard includes vessel identification information from AIS, S&P Global Market Intelligence, and RFMOs. The vessel report now includes details from all of these sources and highlights which of these is used in Starboard. Learn more about Starboard's data sources →

Alerts when vessels stop transmitting

You can now set alerts for when selected vessels or tagged vessels stop transmitting on AIS. This can be useful for monitoring if vessels of interest may have turned off their AIS or if they may be experiencing a safety incident. This is the first of several new advanced alerting options.


  • Terrestrial AIS data points from 29 January to 22 February were being labelled as unknown source. This has been fixed.

  • AIS data points could not be selected if they were within a port boundary displayed on screen. This has been fixed.

December 2023

Filtering with risk indicators

You can now filter vessels in your area of interest based on risk indicators. This can be useful for assessing vessels and their activities in your area of interest. Learn more about assessing vessels with risk indicators, fishing authorisations, and other advanced filters →

IUU listed, previously IUU listed, and closely linked to IUU listed are now risk indicators against the relevant vessels. This means they are no longer a global tag. Learn more about the IUU listed or closely linked global risk indicator →

New alerting options

There are two new ways to set alerts to help to monitor vessels of interest entering your area of interest.

You can now add an alert to your list of selected vessels.

Integrated vessel information (beta)

S&P Global Market Intelligence vessel information is now available in the vessel report.

This first release includes vessel identification, registration details, P&I details, communication information, special features for the vessel, and detailed vessel type information. Learn more in this short demonstration video →

This is currently in beta and we welcome any feedback, email or use the chat function. More sections coming soon including certificates, structure, cargo, machinery, build, sales, and status.



  • Adding a scroll bar to the areas highlighted on basemap section of the layers panel.

November 2023

Analyse vessel activity from the vessel list

You can now click on port events and journey information in the vessel list. This is useful to visualise a vessel's behaviour in more detail on the map.

Risk indicators (beta)

Every vessel in Starboard is now assessed through a risk framework, this results in relevant risk indicators being assigned to vessels and can support risk analysis for a particular vessel of interest or vessels in an area of interest.

Risk indicators can be viewed in the vessel analysis panel and vessel report. Risk indicators for a fleet are combined and this can be viewed in the companies analysis panel and company report. More about how risk indicators work →

The risk indicator framework is currently in beta and is continuously being developed. We welcome any feedback, email or use the chat function. In future filtering on risk will be available.


  • Sea Temperature data was missing for 22 November 2023. This has been restored.

October 2023

Activity page

The activity page makes it easier to collaborate and see a centralised view of information for your organisation. You can view alert notifications, see changes to tags and notes, and see when new data collections have been added.

When viewing tags and notes you can add new notes directly into the activity page, making it easier to collaborate on vessels of interest.

Speed on vessel tracks

The speed for selected vessels layer allows you to visualise the speed of a vessel on its track. This can be particularly helpful when combined with speed filters.

Companies information

S&P Global Market Intelligence data is now available when a vessel has been matched. All vessels within the fleet can be reviewed including their vessel information, authorisations, and behaviours. This is the first of many releases integrating new vessel information.

A new company report is also available and includes the relationships between companies.


Likely and inferred transshipments in Starboard represent potential catch transfer between fishing vessels to fish carriers. These two new events are available in a vessel's history and as advanced filters.


  • The vessel list journey information now includes any alerts set by your organisation. This can be used to sort the vessel list and you can filter to just show those alerts for your current area of interest. These alerts are also included in the vessel download.

  • The vessel list now includes past ports visits when using the past ports filter.


  • YouTube videos not playing in the help centre content. This has been fixed.

September 2023

Speed filter

You can now filter for vessel speed in any area of interest. This filter can be combined with other advanced filters and can be customised for vessels travelling faster, slower, or between a set speed.

Global EEZs available

You can now search for any EEZ in the world when using the area filter. When you use an area it will automatically be added as a pinned area and to keep things tidy you can manage which areas you would like to see in your account. More about setting your preferences →

The global EEZs are also available as areas that can be highlighted on the basemap under the layers panel.

2 hours time filter

The 2 hours filter auto updates to keep your screen up to date with the closest data to real-time as possible. This new filter can be useful in busy areas to speed up analysis and for control rooms or live operations. More about the 2 hours filter →


  • New invalid positions at 0.000S 0.000W will be discarded going forward. Making analysis around West Africa easier.

  • Improvements when using GeoJSON files including on screen notification of successful uploads. Files can now also include style properties, this means features can be coloured, have opacity set, size set etc.


  • Oceanographic information was not updating when using the arrow keys on the keyboard to move through time. This is fixed.

August 2023

Filtering based on past port visits

Understanding where and when a vessel has visited a port can help to assess a vessel’s risk. You can use the past port visits filter to identify vessels that have visited a country in the last 7, 30, 90 days, or the last year. This can be useful for identifying vessels with potential biosecurity risks →

The filter can also be used for the last port of call, and when combined with other advanced filters, can be useful for identifying risky vessels including those arriving into your area of interest. More on identifying risky vessels by combining advanced filters →

Measurement preferences

You can now set your own distance, speed, and coordinate unit preferences. Customise your unit preferences under your account settings or when using the measurement tools.


  • To speed things up oceanographic layers only for the day you are viewing


  • Oceanographic information was no longer being displayed in the vessel overview and not switching between oceanographic layers when moving from one state to another. This is now fixed.

July 2023

Global analysis with new filtering capabilities

We have made some big changes behind the scenes to the way complex queries and filters are run in Starboard. Not only will these changes make Starboard even faster but now you can complete analysis on a global scale and over longer time periods to answer questions like:

  • How many vessels of a certain type or flag have visited my area in the last few years?

  • What are the behaviour patterns of fishing vessels in my area and how is this changing?

  • What are the global travel patterns of RFMO authorised fish carriers?

These changes are also the start of being able to setup complex alerts and additional filtering. Soon you will be able to setup alerts based on previous port visits and the speed vessels are travelling at.

New global tags

There are two new global tags available in Starboard: Greenpeace: Forced labour at sea and CSIS: Chinese maritime militia. These are hidden by default but can be added to your user preferences by heading to manage tags →

Global tags bring together various vessel lists around the world. More about using global tags to find noteworthy vessels →


  • New show full history option in vessel reports


  • Estimated arrival dates were not showing correctly in the vessel list. This has been fixed.

June 2023

Select or tag from the vessel list

You can now select or tag vessels from the vessel list. This can be useful once you have applied filters and completed your analysis to create a list of vessels of interest. More about ways to create lists for vessels of interest →

EU Fleet register integration

The EU Fleet Register has been integrated into Starboard. Vessel type is now updated with subtype, from the 15 vessel registers integrated with Starboard, for over 17,000 vessels. Read more about how vessel subtypes work →

Similar to other fishing register integrations this can help speed up analysis with external information directly available in Starboard. The vessel register and vessel type can also be used for filtering in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.


  • Events are now included in the vessel tracks .csv and .kml downloads

  • Vessel reports now have a navigation sidebar


  • Some fishing vessel subtypes were not coloured pink. This has been fixed.

  • Estimated arrival dates were not showing correctly in the vessel list. This has been fixed.

May 2023

GFCM fishing register integration

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Regional Fleet Register has been integrated into Starboard.

AIS data source displayed

AIS data points are now coloured to indicate the AIS data source and a new pop-up displays more details. Read more about different AIS data sources →

CCAMLR fishing register integration

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) List of Authorised Vessels Record Vessels has been integrated into Starboard.

New fishing registers integrated

Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA), North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC), and Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) have all now been integrated into Starboard.

Vessel type is now also updated with subtype from these registers for around 11,000 vessels. Read more about how vessel subtypes work →

Similar to other fishing register integrations this can help speed up analysis with external information directly available in Starboard. The vessel register and vessel type can also be used for filtering in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.


  • Fishing registrations now appear as a clickable green tag

  • When creating measurements, the last distance or speed unit you used will be remembered and displayed as the default option when you next use the measurement tool

  • New option to hide selected vessel names which can be helpful when lots of vessels are selected for analysis

  • The buoy icon has been updated to make buoys easier to distinguish on the amp

  • Updates to Hitchhiker pest to reflect new risk periods for the Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC) 2023 season

  • Updated name of Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) to Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC)

  • Tracks for buoys are no longer shown when there long time period of missing AIS

  • Speed improvements


  • Improvements to rendering for areas of interest and also temporary areas that are added using a .geojson

  • The vessels entered from a foreign port would occasionally miss some vessels. This has been fixed

  • When filtering for anomalous movements from the noteworthy vessel panel any filters already selected will now persist

April 2023

Adding notes to vessel tags

Notes can now be added to tags on vessels to provide further information about vessels or the reason a vessel is being tagged. A tag on a vessel can have multiple notes and these can either be added when vessels are tagged or later on. Read more about organising vessels with tags and notes →

SPRFMO fishing register integration

The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) Record of Vessels has been integrated into Starboard. Vessel type is now also updated with subtype from SPRFMO. Read more about how vessel subtypes work →

Similar to other fishing register integrations this can help speed up analysis with external information directly available in Starboard. The vessel register and vessel type can also be used for filtering in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.

Vessel subtypes from FFA and IOTC

Vessel type is now updated with a subtype from the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) List of Vessels in Good Standing and the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Record of Authorised Vessels. This information is available for advanced filtering, for example, to identify fishing vessels and fish carriers in an area. Read more about how vessel subtypes work →

We are continuing to update vessel details with information from other RFMO registers and additional RFMO vessel registers will be integrated soon.

Change to filters for setting areas

Filters for setting area and vessel movement have been merged. Now when you want to choose to view vessels in set area or entered area from a foreign port you can do this at the same time as choosing your area of interest.

If you have many areas available, you will also see a search box to make it easier to find the one you are looking for.

You can now also highlight areas of interest on the basemap, which is great for when you are analysing multiple areas of interest. Read more about basemap layers →

AIS provider and data centre upgrade

We have upgraded our AIS data to include new sources of AIS data. We have also taken this opportunity to make changes that reduce our data centre's carbon usage.

Before the 12th of March all data will remain the same, while data from March 12th onwards will include the new data sources. With this change, we have seen an increase of around 11% in the number of vessels tracked in some congested areas.

If you're interested in learning more about the different types of AIS data sources, we have put together a short guide →


  • Vessel tags and information about which regional fisheries management organisations (RFMO) a vessel is authorised to fish with are now available in the vessel report.

  • Taiwanese Authorised Vessels are now included for the IOTC.

Bug fix

  • The links to view WCPFC records have been updated to direct to the new WCPFC online database.

March 2023

Journey information in vessel lists

The vessel list now includes a summary for each vessel of all the events that have occurred since it last left a port. This is helpful for quickly assessing vessels in your analysis.

The frequency of key events and time at sea can also be used to sort the vessel list for prioritisation.

Hide or show tags

The manage tags page (available under Tagged vessels) now allows you to show or hide tags. Useful for hiding tags that may be less relevant to your current work.

Combined CPI score for port visits

Every vessel now has a combined corruption perceptions index score available in the vessel report. Higher scores suggest visits to countries with lower public sector corruption. A breakdown of countries or territories visited and their corresponding CPI scores is also included. The scores can be helpful for assessing vessels based on their port visit history. More about how the combined corruption perceptions index score for port visits works →


  • Detections for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have been simplified to either low or high confidence of a vessel being detected.

February 2023

New global tag

Global tags bring together various vessel lists around the world. The new OFAC: sanctioned vessels global tag identifies vessels that are blacklisted due to illicit activity and/or links to sanctioned owners or countries listed in the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) list, published by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). More about using global tags to find noteworthy vessels →

IOTC fishing registers integration

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) record of currently authorised vessels has been integrated into Starboard. Similar to other fishing register integrations this can help speed up analysis with external information directly available in Starboard. The vessel register can also be used for filtering both in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.

This is the third integration of this kind, and filtering of these lists can be done in a combined way. For example, finding vessels that are on both the IOTC and WCPFC authorisation lists but not on the FFA List of Vessels in Good Standing.

FFA Vessels in Good Standing integration

Records from the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) List of Vessels in Good Standing are available to view for vessels. This can help in two distinct ways, firstly to speed up analysis with the information directly available in Starboard.

The vessel register can also be used for filtering both in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.

Vessel subtypes

Vessel type is now updated with a subtype from the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Record of Fishing Vessels. This information is available for advanced filtering, for example, to identify transshipments between tuna longliners and fish carriers in an area. Read more about how vessel subtypes work →

It's the first of other vessel detail updates to come. More vessel details will be updated using WCPFC, and other RFMO vessel registers will be integrated in the future.


  • Increased the maximum number of vessels that can be selected to 600.

  • Improvements to make setting a time for analysis easier.

  • Improvements to vessel matching mean more vessels in the RFMO registers are matched to Starboard with fewer false positives. In future, we will integrate more RFMO registers and update changes to these in Starboard more frequently. Read more about how vessel matching works →

January 2023


  • A new encounter section has been added to the vessel report this makes it easier to assess the on-water relationship between vessels.

  • Anomalous movements are no longer in beta.

December 2022


  • Following feedback from users on our beta release of anomalous movements, we have been working to reduce the detection of false anomalies. A difference between the dataset used for training the model and the live AIS dataset in Starboard has been identified as a source of these. We have retrained the model on an aligned dataset and backfilled the anomalous movements. You may notice some vessels which had anomalous movement now no longer do.

Bug fix

  • Dropping a .geojson file on the map was not always supported by the browser. This is now fixed.

November 2022

Improved search

To make it easier to find the right vessel when you are searching, new filter options have been introduced. These can help to narrow your search by which identifier you are using, flag state, or vessel type and can be really useful when lots of vessels are returned for a search.

Vessel networks for IUU listed vessels

Discover vessels closely linked to illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) listed vessels based on past encounters. These connections can help to uncover hidden relationships and identify noteworthy vessels. Read more about how vessel networks work →

Anomalous movements (beta)

If a vessel makes unusual changes to its course such as unexpected deceleration and orientation changes, a new machine learning based algorithm will flag this event in the vessel's history and on the map. In addition, if a vessel is taking an uncommon route through an area, this will be flagged as an anomalous vessel movement event.

Anomalous movements are based on the GeoTrackNet model and can provide you with a new lens for filtering vessels and finding vessels that require further investigation. More about how anomalous movements work →


  • Vessel details are now automatically updated from a combination of different AIS static message types. This will also reduce the number of vessels with no name and those with vessel type of unknown.

  • New information included in alert emails including vessel tags, flag state, and vessel type.

  • Advanced filtering now includes unknown flags.

  • Flag state counts are now available in the analysis results when viewing the fishing analysis type. This can be useful to quickly see how many vessels from each flag state are registered or non-registered in the area on the screen.

  • The analysis results panel has been simplified by removing the option to hide/show filters on subcategories. For example, when viewing biosecurity risk, vessels with a risk, low risk or unknown risk can be hidden using the eye symbol. The subcategory information of vessel type and flag state can no longer be filtered in this way. This detailed filtering is still possible by using add filter at the top. If you have saved URL links with the hide/show filtering you will need to update them after recreating your filters.

  • Vessels new to the Starboard database are now marked as unknown hitchhiker pest risk rather than low risk.


  • The Covid-19 relative risk assessment has been removed from Starboard. Strategies for the management of Covid-19 for New Zealand and the Pacific have changed substantially in 2022 due to the Omicron strain. As a result this analysis type no longer provides value for the majority of users.

Bug fix

  • Removing overlapping fishing and anomalous movement events. Fishing events were not intended to be considered by anomaly detection because fishing manoeuvres are incredibly varied.

October 2022

Global seamounts added to the basemap

The global distribution of over 30,000 seamounts has been added to the basemap. This can provide useful context for fishing activity.

New area measurement tool

A new area based measurement tool means temporary areas can be drawn on the map and the size of the area evaluated. If needed these can be revisited by keeping a bookmark of the URL.


  • A new percentage based loading indicator to help you know how much of the vessel data has been downloaded.

  • Satellite acquisition areas for radio frequency (RF) collections are now shown with black shading. This makes the collection area clearer when it is near land and in busy areas.

  • Vessel tags are now accessible from the analysis panel.

Bug fix

  • Satellite collections for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical now display more accurately across the antimeridian line.

September 2022

Vessel track history now responds to changes in the timeline

The vessel track history is now highlighted to reflect the event or journey. This occurs when moving the timeline or clicking on a vessel's track.

Improved filtering of corrupt AIS data

When a new vessel position is received that is impossibly far away from a vessel's previously reported position a new vessel is created in Starboard. This usually occurs due to poor quality AIS messages, faulty transponders or corrupt messages. New filtering of corrupt messages means the volume of these duplicate vessels will decrease in Starboard.

Improved buoy detection

Buoys are now being detected and classified automatically during ingestion of AIS data. Previously they were only identified and classified sporadically, e.g. every month. Buoys are detected using a series of logical expressions to check the AIS reported name, callsign, vessel type, length, width, and other parameters. Buoys can be viewed by turning on the buoy data layer.


  • Vessel names now pop up when you hover on their track. This occurs when you are zoomed into a small area or when you have multiple vessels selected. This is particularly useful when there are lots of tracks or the vessel is no longer visible on the screen.

  • Vessel tags can now be applied to an unlimited number of vessels. Previously this was limited to 500.

  • The base map has been updated to show non-coastal country borders.

  • Tags are now shown in the vessel information panel when multiple vessels are selected.

Bug fix

  • If a vessel is currently in port there will no longer be an end time which previously made it look as though the vessel may have left the port when it had not.

  • An issue with missing hitchhiker pests risks was identified and fixed.

  • Russian ports west of 129E are no longer treated as FSMC risk ports.

August 2022

Fishing classifier moves closer to real-time

The fishing classifier is now processed hourly and potential fishing events that have occurred as recently as four and a half hours ago can be classified. This moves the classification of fishing events closer to real-time as it was previously updated daily and based on a rolling seven day period. This update also enables vessel journeys, that are classified as fishing, to be treated appropriately for future Starboard algorithms and analysis.

New advanced filter options

Advanced filters now have the option to exclude events, flag states, vessel types and flags. This gives added flexibility when analysing activity in an area.

Vessel tags

Vessels can now be tagged to create lists of vessels and fleets that your organisation needs to keep track of. When vessels are tagged, the tag is added to the vessel history at the current time and location of the vessel. The user who assigned the tag is also noted. This means tags can help manage processes like vessel assessments, inspection, and surveillance planning. More about vessel tags →


  • Significant speed improvements when panning across the map.

  • Event icons on the map can now be toggled on and off. This can be useful if event icons are obscuring other items on the map such as vessel tracks or AIS data points.

  • The calendar year is now included in the timeline scrubber. This is useful when viewing long histories of vessels over multiple years.

  • Encounters are no longer recorded when they occur within a port area. Any historical encounters in a port area have also been removed. This affects only those that are 10km or more from shore as encounters out to 10km have never been recorded.

  • Improvements to the rendering of SAR imagery in Starboard. Although this does not impact the automated detections it improves our ability to manually review detections for quality assurance.

Bug fix

  • Flag states with the same country alpha-2 code are no longer grouped in the filtering options. For example, Alaska is now separate from United States.

July 2022

Journey analysis

The new default setting for viewing a vessel’s event history is to group events between port visits, making it easier to analyse a vessel’s journey and identify noteworthy activity. The original method of viewing events chronologically can still be accessed by sorting events by time as opposed to by journey


  • The fishing registers integration is visible on the vessel list. It is also now included in downloads of the vessel list and the track history events.

June 2022

Wind velocity

New wind velocity layer provides context for a vessel's movements. Like other oceanographic layers, wind is associated with a vessel and available in the vessel details panel. More about weather map layers →


  • Analysis preferences are remembered from your previous Starboard sessions. This means analysis can be picked up right where you left it with things like zoom, analysis type, filters and selected areas all being retrieved.

Bug fix

  • Missing FSMC port risks restored.

May 2022

Sea surface temperature and wave height

New sea surface temperature and wave height layers provide context for a vessel's movements. To make vessel analysis easier these oceanographic layers are associated with a vessel and are available in the vessel details panel. More about weather map layers →

Vessel risk improvements for hitchhiker pests

When a vessel has visited a New Zealand port the vessel's risk is reset to low. The loading speed of the hitchhiker vessel risk analysis has been greatly improved.


  • Alert emails have been improved with alerts now displayed from newest to oldest and multiple alerts for the same vessel now grouped together.

  • Improvements to vessel search to better manage duplicate vessels and poor quality AIS data

  • New areas of interest, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysian EEZs, have been added to all relevant instances.

  • Focus analysis on a single vessel–even when multiple vessels are still selected– with blur added to non-focus vessels. This is particularly useful in busy areas or during complex analysis.

Bug fix

  • Starboard is now working for those using Firefox in private mode.

April 2022

WCPFC fishing registers integration

The Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Record of Fishing Vessels has been integrated into Starboard. This can be useful in two distinct ways:

Firstly analysis is sped up as vessel register information is available directly in Starboard.

Secondly, the vessel register can be used for filtering both in the analysis panel and as part of the advanced filters.


  • Updates to the calendar to generally make it easier to navigate and to include a new option to jump to a selected year and/or month.

  • Downloads can now be cancelled and the vessel list download now uses the download modal, making multiple types (CSV and KML) of vessel list downloads easier.

March 2022

Vessel alerts

Alerts have been extended with the ability to set an alert for any chosen vessel. This is helpful for knowing when a particular vessel exits or enters your area of interest. For example, you could set an alert if any vessel on a watchlist enters your EEZ.

Vessel downloads

Vessel downloads have been enhanced with a new download modal. This is particularly helpful when multiple types of downloads, or when downloads for several vessels, are needed. Downloads include vessel lists, vessel tracks and vessel events. File types are CSV and KML where appropriate.

Line measurement

A new line based measurement tool that includes both travelling time–based on configurable vessel speed–and distance.


Bug fix

  • Some vessels were not being found in vessel search. This has been fixed and the search results improved overall.

  • Mobile users can now filter events in the track history.

February 2022

Geofencing with alerts

Any area of interest can now be turned into a geofence by setting alerts for when vessels enter or exit them.

You can customise your alerts based on how frequently you would like to receive them, who they should be sent to and if they should be for all vessels entering the area or just those coming from a foreign port.

You can see all the alerts set for your organisation and can choose to subscribe to existing alerts that may be relevant for you.

Once an alert is set and a vessel triggers this alert, the event will be added to a vessel's history.

January 2022

Port boundaries map layer

Port boundaries are used when defining a port anchorage or visit and we have now added these boundaries as a map layer. This can be useful for understanding which location has triggered a port visit event and is part of our ongoing work to enhance our ports database.


  • The vessel selection panel now also includes the vessel risk, vessel type, MMSI and IMO number.

  • 18 new areas of interest, throughout the Pacific, have been added to all relevant instances.

  • New areas of interest, the Uruguay EEZ and Joint Regime Area Argentina/Uruguay, have been added to all relevant instances.

  • Upgraded detection downloads with the addition of .csv downloads and enhancements to the .kml downloads.

December 2021

KML file download for satellite detections

Both Radio frequency (RF) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite detections can be downloaded as a KML file. This can be useful if you are using Google Earth for additional data sources such as VMS.


  • New area of interest, the Tuvalu EEZ, has been added to all relevant instances.

  • Radio frequency (RF) satellite detections no longer include medium confidence yellow detections. This reflects the binary outcome of RF—there is either a detection or no detection.

  • Individual users can choose which timezone they want to use and the selected timezone is reflected immediately throughout the application including in all downloads.

  • Basemap addition of all Fisheries Management Areas (FMA) in New Zealand.

  • When adding a .geojson file to the map the map will automatically zoom to the bounds of the .geojson.

November 2021

Advanced filtering

Filtering of vessels on the map can now be done by vessel events, flag state or vessel type. This allows you to further customise your analysis and focus on those vessels with behaviours and characteristics of interest.

Downloadable vessel events

A new .csv download option is available that includes the vessel’s events and details of the event—time, duration and coordinates. In the case of port visits, this also includes the port name and territory. In the case of encounters, this also includes information on the vessel encountered.

This download responds to filters applied to the vessel’s track history including types of events and length of history, allowing you to customise your download for your analysis.


  • Several speed improvements.

  • Vessel coordinates are now included when you download a list of vessels.

  • The format for coordinates in all downloads continues to be decimal degrees but now also includes N/E/S/W notation. This formatting is readily accepted by popular geospatial platforms.

  • The map will automatically zoom in or out to area bounds when switching between areas. This is useful when switching from large to small areas and vice versa.

  • Improvement to vessel selection shortcut—holding shift and dragging a rectangle—if vessel tracks are on any vessel that has been through the area is selected, if vessel tracks are not selected only visible vessels in the area at the time are selected.

October 2021


  • Holding shift and dragging a rectangle will now select all the vessels that have a track inside the rectangle. More shortcuts and hotkeys →

  • AIS class has been added to the vessel information. If known this will display either class 'A' or class 'B'. This refers to the type of onboard AIS transponder the vessel has.

  • The relativity of the Covid-19 risk assessment is now calculated monthly. This reflects the increasing speed at which the overall risk of Covid-19 has changed. There is now more risk of a vessel having Covid-19 on board. The immediate impact will be fewer vessels flagged as relative high or medium risk. More about the Covid-19 relative risk assessment →

  • Improvements have been made to the vessel search. This includes duplicate results being filtered out and the order of results improved.

  • Vessel information which includes name, type and flag has been updated to match the latest information from exactEarth.

  • Around 70k buoys have been identified and reclassified from vessel to buoy.

  • New areas of interest, the Australian EEZ, Great Barrier Reef and Poor Knights in New Zealand, have been added to all relevant instances.

  • Some design changes to our filtering user interface as we prepare for the release of geofencing alerts and advanced filters.

  • Map layers and map styles have been moved to a new layers icon as we prepare for the release of geofencing alerts and advanced filters.

Bug fix

  • AIS data point .csv downloads for a vessel are fixed. Speeds of zero knots are printed with a zero instead of an empty cell.

September 2021


  • Click on any vessel’s track to navigate to the point in time the vessel was in that location. More shortcuts and hotkeys →

  • You can now go back through the steps of your analysis with the browser back button. This includes any actions taken in the app, including changes in filters, selections of vessels or detections, and interactions on the map.

August 2021

Arrival estimation

The estimated arrival port is now determined using information from three sources (where available) with the following priority; port schedules, self-reported destinations on AIS or the vessel’s movements. More about arrival estimation →


  • Basemap additions including Galapagos marine reserve and global 12nm (territorial) and 24nm (contiguous zone).

  • Analysis panels can now be kept in a collapsed state, allowing you to maintain the context of your analysis, while you explore selected vessels, detections, and measurements.

July 2021

Event list filtering

Filter track history in the left hand panel and in reports to quickly find events relevant to your analysis.

Measurement circles

Measure your chosen distance from a set of coordinates in Starboard. This is particularly useful if you are wanting to plot distances from a location or asset at sea. More about using measurement circles →

Aerial asset data ingestion

We have completed our first ingestions of aerial asset data. The asset’s detections are layered with AIS, RF and SAR data for a complete picture of vessels in an area of interest.


  • If you lose a vessel on the map whilst moving the time scrubber quickly navigate to it by clicking the linked coordinates in the vessel’s left hand panel.

  • Zoom in and out even faster by selecting shift + scroll. More shortcuts and hotkeys →

  • Viewing selected vessel details and long track histories has been dramatically sped up.

  • A new area of interest, the NZ EEZ, has been added to all relevant instances.

  • More data is now available in the .csv download with the addition of length and width.

  • Improved vessel reports. Vessel reports now include Covid-19 or hitchhiker pest risk information and event filtering so the vessel history can be dynamically changed in the report.

June 2021

Real-time vessel movements

See real-time vessel movements, via automatic identification system (AIS) data, with important events detected as the data streams into Starboard. The data is updated every 2-10 minutes.

Hitchhiker pest risk (FSMC)

Arriving vessels are automatically flagged if they have previously visited risk areas during risk periods for the Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC). More about hitchhiker pest risk assessments →

May 2021

Radio frequency (RF) satellite data ingestion

RF data has a good cost to coverage ratio and low latency. We can now ingest multiple types of RF data in real-time and combine this with AIS data for dark vessel detection. More about uncovering dark vessels with additional RF data →


  • Vessel dimensions are displayed in the vessel details panel.

  • Drag a .geojson file onto Starboard to display it on the map. This is great for quickly comparing an additional geospatial data source. More about using a .geojson →

  • Download an exact list of vessels on your screen from the ‘show vessel list’ link on the analysis results panel.

  • Improved vessel lists, quickly view a list of vessels on screen, what their previous port was, and what their relative risk is.

April 2021

New map layers and styles

  • Toggle between showing and hiding vessel tracks for viewing busier areas.

  • Switch to a satellite basemap, helpful for viewing coastal areas.

  • View AIS data points for selected vessels.

March 2021

Hitchhiker pest risk (BMSB)

Arriving vessels are automatically flagged if they have previously visited risk areas during risk periods for the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). More about hitchhiker pest risk assessments →

Explore on-water vessel networks

Explore and understand on-water vessel networks, through the automatic flagging of encounters—when two vessels meet at sea for at least 10 minutes.


  • Search for vessels by their International Maritime Organisation (IMO) number.

  • See more of the world in your analysis with the ability to zoom out further.

February 2021 and earlier

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