Select all the vessels in an area
Hold the shift key whilst you use your cursor to draw and drag a rectangle on screen.
If tracks are turned on any vessel with a track in that area, for the filtered time period, will be selected.
You can turn off tracks to just select the vessels in the area at a more specific point in time.
You can select additional vessels by holding the shift key whilst you use your cursor to click on the additional vessels or their tracks.
Deselect vessels in an area
When vessels are selected hold the shift key whilst you use your cursor to draw and drag a rectangle on the screen or click on vessels or their tracks.
Clickable vessel tracks
Click on any selected vessel’s track to navigate to the point in time the vessel was in that location.
Move back through your analysis (undo)
You can use your browser back button just like an undo button. Go back through the steps of your analysis with the browser back button. This includes any actions taken in the app, including changes in filters, selections of vessels or detections, and interactions on the map.
Moving analysis through time
Tap your arrow keys to move the time slider in 10 minutes increments, and hold shift + tap to move it 1 hour.
Zooming in and out
Zoom in and out quickly by:
Selecting shift + scroll; or
Tapping your plus or minus keys.
Zooming in
Hold the ctrl key whilst you use your cursor to draw and drag a rectangle on screen.