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How it works: S&P Global Market Intelligence vessel information
How it works: S&P Global Market Intelligence vessel information
Moritz Lehmann avatar
Written by Moritz Lehmann
Updated over a year ago

Starboard integrates vessel information from S&P Global Market Intelligence to improve vessel identification and provide details of off-water vessel relationships including companies and ownership.

Detailed vessel information shown in Starboard includes vessel type, dimensions, previous vessel names, registration, P&I, communication, and special vessel features.

Detailed company information shown in Starboard includes company relationships, addresses, and fleet information.

S&P Global Market Intelligence manages the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) ship and companies identification schemes on behalf of the IMO and is the sole authority with responsibility for assigning and validating these numbers.

IMO ship identification

The Ship Identification Number Scheme introduced by the IMO in 1987 (mandatory from 1996) is a universal public reference for ships. The scheme assigns an IMO number to most ships of 100 GT and above.

These IMO numbers are generally issued at the order stage for a ship and the number is never reassigned.

IMO company and registered owner identification

The Company and Registered Owner Scheme was introduced in 2004 (mandatory from 2009) as a measure to enhance maritime safety, security and environmental protection, and to facilitate the prevention of maritime fraud. The scheme assigns an IMO number to most companies and registered owners managing ships of 100 GT and above.

If there are changes to a company:

  • The number stays the same when a company changes its name, or if its ships are transferred to another flag

  • If companies are merged the largest company's IMO number will be used. The smaller company's IMO is frozen

  • If a company no longer manages ships the number is frozen but if at a future date the company renews ship management the same number will be used

  • The numbers are never reassigned and the history of companies and registered owners is maintained as part of S&P Global's database


S&P Global. (n.d.). IMO Ship and Company Number Scheme. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

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